this is a very obvious statement but this website is under construction!! don't touch that dial :J

hello! welcome to my webbed site. i guess i'm like a lot of other people who've made a neocities recently; it feels like social media as we know it wasn't as sustainable as we thought it was, yet i still want a corner of the internet to myself. i've been meaning to make a neocities for around a year or so and used everything that's been happening to start.

another one of the reasons i've been meaning to make a website is that i have a number of projects i've been meaning to start, but don't know how to start them, don't know how to organize them, don't know how to manage my time to do them, or all of the above. i'd figure making a website would help with that, due to a lot of elements that go into making a website (coding, music, art, etc) relate to the number of projects i want to do. i feel like it'll help me get all my ducks in a row before i start anyting. not to mention that making a website seems pretty fun!! people on here are super creative in making their page both fun to look at and fun to be in, and knowing that i can do that too is really cool!!

as you can tell from my impressive coding skills and innovative page design, this page will be heavily updated as soon as i figure out how to change it to my liking. enjoy :J